2012 Screenings
Jan 17- Orange County Department of Education workshop
Jan 20- Phoenix, AZ screening
Jan 31- Virgil Middle School workshop
March 27- Pasadena Unified School District Board presentation
April 23- UTLA Manzanar workshop
May 17- Museum of Teaching and Learning Santa Ana screening
May 25- CTA at Manzanar workshop
July 12- UCLA Center X workshop @ AAA office
Sept 20- National Japanese American Historical Society screening
Sept 23- Monterey Park Bruggemeyer Library screening
Sept 25- Atherton Retirement Home screening
Sept 26- Southern Calif Gas Co screening
Oct 25- UCSD Nikkei Student Union screening
Nov 8- ELAC Foreign Language Dept screening
Nov 9- King Middle School presentation
Nov 29- Nat Assn for Multicultural Ed conference screening
Dec 19- Chula Vista Learning Community Charter screening
2011 Screenings
Jan. 19, 2011 Wintersburg Seniors
Jan. 29, 2011 Delta Kappa Gamma Torrance
Feb. 5, 2011 Little Tokyo Branch Library
Feb. 12, 2011 LAUSD Workshop – JANM
March 14, 2011 Delta Kappa Gamma OC
April 25, 2011 UTLA Manzanar Workshop
May 7, 2011 JAHSSC Artist Faire to sell dvds
May 24, 2011 ELA Library Screening
June 2, 2011 Torres High School Workshop
Aug. 18, 2011 Self Help Graphics Screening
Aug., 2011 Camp Musubi Kid Workshop
Oct. 15, 2011 Teacher Workshop
Oct. 29, 2011 Venice Screening
Nov. 5, 2011 UCLA Teacher Conference
Nov. 5, 2011 UCLA Through Their Eyes Conference
Dec. 5, 2011 CSUN
2010 Screenings
March 5,6,7 2010 CTA Human Rights and Div
March 5, 2010 Walk in My Shoes Conf. UCI
March 17, 2010 Fullerton HS workshop
April 17, 2010 Widows Group Screening
May 22, 201 JACCC Teacher Training
June. 2, 2010 Roosevelt High
July 19, 2010 Gardena Valley Democratic Club
Aug. 21, 2010 Evergreen Seniors
Aug. 24, 2010 Camp Musubi
Oct. 13, 2010 Riverside JACL
Oct. 14, 2010 Bonita Vista Middle School
Oct. 30, 2010 Teacher Workshop JACCC
Nov. 18, 2010 Walk in My Shoes Conf.
2009 Screenings:
February 2009 DOR Portland
February 26, 2009 CABE Conference in Long Beach, CA
March 6-8, 2009 CTA Human Rights Conference in San Jose, CA
March 13-15, 2009 CTA Good Teaching Conference in Anaheim, CA
March 7, 2009 California Teacher’s Association
March 21, 2009 Dominguez Hills
April, 2009 Orange County Human Relations
April 15 Santee High School
April 20, 2009 United Teacher’s of Los Angeles
April 30, 2009 Long Beach Unified School District
May 16, 2009 Japanese American Citizen’s League, San Diego
May 28, 2009 Long Beach Unified School District
June 9, 2009 Santee
August 25, 2009 Orange County Office of Education
October 24, 2009 Teacher training in LA at JACCC
November 19, 2009 Orange County Human Relations Commission
November 20, 2009 CABE in Alhambra
November, 2009 LAUSD City of Angeles
Nov. 19, 2009 OC Human Relations Conf.
Nov. 20, 2009 CABE Alhambra Conf.
Oct. 26, 2009 LBUSD -
December 6, 2009 NJAHA at the Presidio in San Francisco
Dec. 7, 2009 San Francisco Presidio
2008 Workshops and Screenings
February 26, 2008 Belmont HS Social Studies Teachers
February 2008 Fairfax HS workshop for Social Studies teachers
March 8, 2008 CCSS Conference Oakland, CA
March 29-30, 2008 CTA Conference in Irvine, CA
April 21, 2008 UTLA Manzanar Workshop in Los Angeles
April 25, 2008 Los Angeles Continuation HS workshop
May 4, 2008 UCLA Center X Pasadena American History workshop
July 4-6, 2008 JANM Conference in Denver, CO
November 1, 2008 Japanese American Museum of San Jose (Agnes Idemoto)
December 4, 2008 UCLA Ce
nter X workshop in South Central Los Angeles
2007 Screenings:
February 19, 2007 Armstrong Theatre, Torrance, Calif.
February 22, 2007 Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, Calif.
March 2, 2007, California Council for the Social Studies (CCSS), Oakland, Calif.
March 3-4, 2007 Calif. Teachers Association (CTA) in San Jose, Calif.
March 16, 2007 Calif. Association for Bilingual Education (CABE), Long Beach, Calif.
March 24, 2007 U.C.L.A. Center X, Los Angeles, Calif.
April 12, 2007 Occidental College, Los Angeles
April 16, 2007 Madrona Middle School, Torrance
April 23, 2007 UTLA Manzanar Workshop, Los Angeles
April 23, 2007 Gonsalvez Elem. School, Cerritos
April 30,2007 Eagle Rock Elem Sch, (private for LA Sch Bd David Tokofsky)
May 7, 2007 Talb EMAC Workshop, Long Beach.
June 30, 2007 at the Nat'l Center for Democracy Los Angeles (along with Silk Cocoon and 9066 to 9/11)
July, 2007 Los Angles County (LACOE) teachers at the NCPD.
July 16, 2007 Long Beach Institute Workshop with Dr. Valerie Matsumoto.
October 2, 2007 UCLA Center X workshop in Glendale
October 3, 2007 San Francisco Unified School District workshop
2006 Screenings:
San Diego State University Day of Remembrance, February 16, 2006 Aztec Center, Casa Real, San Diego, CA
Merced County Jpn American Film Festival, February 18, 2006 Lesher Library 1,Merced College, Merced, CA
DisOrient Asian American Film Festival of Oregon, February 18, 2006 Lane County Fairgrounds, Eugene, OR
San Jose Day of Remembrance Program , February 19, 2006 San Jose Buddhist Church, San Jose, CA
University of California Berkeley ,
February 21, 2006 Heller Lounge, MLK Student Union, Berkeley, CA
Newport Beach Film Festival, April 23, 2006 Newport Beach, California
Tsuda Hall, July 29, 2006, Tokyo, Japan
2005 Screenings:
California State University Northridge, November 30, 2004 Northridge, CA
University of California Santa Cruz, February 17, 2005 Santa Cruz, CA
San Fernando Valley Japanese American Community Center, March 6, 2005
Pacoima, CA
San Diego International Latino Film Festival, March 13, 2005 San Diego, CA
San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival, March 16, 2005 San Francisco, CA
San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival, March 19, 2005 San Jose, CA
Chicago Asian American Film Showcase, April 3, 2005 Chicago, IL
38th Houston World Fest, April 2005, Gold Special Jury Award for original Short Drama
National Education Association, July 27, 2005 Washington, DC
Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, July 28, 2005 Washington DC
Los Angeles Shorts Festival, September 2005 Los Angeles, CA
Temecula Valley International Film Festival, September 2005, Temecula, CA
Oakland International Film Festival, September 2005 Oakland, CA
Pan Asian Film Festival, October 2005 Santa Cruz, CA
Asian Pacific American Film Festival, October 2005 Washington DC
Latino International Film FestivalOctober 2005 Los Angeles, CA
2004 Screenings
Day of Remembrance--Premiere of Stand Up For Justice,
February 21, 2004 Los Angeles, CA
Asian Pacific Islander Film Festival , May 1 & 2, 2004 Los Angeles, CA
Latino and Asian/Pacific Caucus of the California State Legislature, April 15, 2004
Sac, CA
Camp Musubi, Japanese American Cultural Experience, August 17, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
Manzanar High School Reunion, September 28, 2004 Las Vegas, NV
California State University Long Beach, October 8, 2004, Long Beach, CA
San Diego Asian Film Festival, October 22 & 24, 2004, San Diego, CA
Hawaii International Film Festival, Oct. 24, 2004--special screening of
Stand Up For Justice and Independence Day
for middle school students. October 30 & 31, 2004 Honolulu, HI
Related articles:
• 'Stand Up For Justice' Screens at DOR
• Stand Up for Justice
• Historic Lazo Docu-Drama Begins Filming
• Who was Ralph Lazo