What lessons can we learn from the WW2 Japanese American experience?
a thought provoking discussion at JCCC investigated this question
On January 26th, Nikkei for Civil Rights & Redress (NCRR) 9/11 Committee and the American-Arab Anti-discrimination Committee held a thought provoking discussion on the relationship between civil liberties and national security at JACCC.. Since the horrific terrorist attacks on the East Coast on September 11, peoples desire for security has also opened the possibility of a permanent erosion of everyones civil rights with passage of the USA Patriot Act, indefinite incarceration of over 900 dept. of Justice detainees, as well as talk of "secret military tribunals." this program is was held in conjunction with the Muslim Public Affairs Council and Asian Concerns Committee of the Asian Bar Associations this project is made possible in part by a grant from the California Council for the Humanities, a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Speakers at the event included Lillian Nakano, a former WW2 camp internee and redress activist, Fred Okrand, the ACLU Legal Director during WW2, Michel Shehadeh, the Western Regional Director, of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, L.A. 8 Representative, Muslim Public Affairs Council, Carol Sobel, a civil rights attorney, with the National Lawyers Guild and Dima Hilal, an Arab American poet
The NCRR September 11 Committee was formed to continue planning events that build understanding between the Japanese American-Asian American community and the Arab American and the Muslim communities. Members of the committee continue to meet with representatives of MPAC, ADC,CAIR and the Southeast Asian Network to exchange an to organize other programs
For information on future events, please call (213) 680-3484