2003 Fighting Spirit Award

Janice Harumi Yen pictured on the right
Janice Harumi Yen, community activist and founding member of NCRR, has been selected as the recipient of NCRR’s Fighting Spirit Award for 2003 based on her over 22-year commitment to redress and reparations, and her many contributions to NCRR and the community. Yen will be honored at the Day of Remembrance program on Feb. 15, 2003.

As a member of the Little Tokyo People’s Rights Organization during the late 1970’s, Yen worked on housing issues on behalf of the Little Tokyo hotel residents. Throughout the 1980’s she worked concertedly on the campaign to win reparations for former internees and evacuees. Yen stated that the highlight of her NCRR activities was helping to get the government to pay reparations.

She is also proud of her work with the Japanese American Bar Association lawyers during the 1990’s who fought for redress through lawsuits for those former internees and evacuees who had been denied reparations by the government.

Most recently, Yen participated on NCRR’s delegation to Cuba for an educational and cultural exchange with Japanese Cubans, and she currently serves as the Assistant Producer on “Stand Up for Justice,” the Ralph Lazo story, a documentary film produced by Visual Communications and NCRR. “Please join us at the 2003 Day of Remembrance to help thank Janice for her decades of commitment and service to our community and to civil liberties issues. She truly exemplifies the best qualities of a devoted community volunteer and activist,” stated Kathy Masaoka, NCRR co-chair.


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