CWRIC Hearings

Rafu Shimpo, 3/24/81, testify

Rafu Shimpo, 6/1/81, Date of 1st Commission Hearing Set

Rafu Shimpo, 6/30/81, Snow job Coming

Rafu Shimpo, 7/9/81, Agenda for CWRIC told

Rafu Shimpo, 7/22/81, Survey Results

Rafu Shimpo, 7/22/81, The Hearings

Rafu Shimpo, 7/29/81, NCRR voices concern about LA hearings

Rafu Shimpo, 7/31/81, ad

Rafu Shimpo, 8/5/81, CWRIC Testimony

Rafu Shimpo, 8/7/81, LA Redress Hearings Conclude...

Rafu Shimpo, 8/7/81, Reparations Coalition Evening

LA Times, 8/9/81, Hearings a Catharsis

Rafu Shimpo, 8/21/81, Unfocused Hearings

Rafu Shimpo, Fall 1981, Nakano Assesses CWRIC