DOR Press Release Index |
1981 |
Rafu Shimpo, 2/10/081, Candelight March Set for February 21, 1981 and Former Detention Center to be site of Sacramento Rites
Rafu Shimpo 12/20/81, Candelight March (Editorial) Rafu Shimpo, 2/24/81, Photo at Federal Building
Rafu Shimpo, 3/24/81, Article
Los Angeles Times, 8/9/81, CWRIC Hearings (PDF) Rafu Shimpo, 7/29/81, CWRIC Hearings Rafu Shimpo, 5/18/81,UTLA endorsement
Rafu Shimpo, 10/21/81, NCRR Goals
Rafu Shimpo, 1/11/81, Bnai Support (PDF) |
1982 |
KHJ- Editorial, 11/08/82
Los Angeles Times, 2/21/82
Rafu Shimpo, 2/22/82, Nikkei recall experiences (PDF)
Lutheran, June1982
Rafu Shimpo , 8/13/82, Johnson JA employees compensated
Rafu Shimpo, 12/06/82, Dymally to introduce Redress Bill
Rafu Shimpo, 2/18/82, Coalition to Push (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 2/18/82, Way clear for DOR (PDF) |
1983 |
Rafu Shimpo, 1/25/83, Redress Org.
Los Angeles Times, 2/20/83 (photo), Candleight Procession,
Los Angeles Times, 2/25/83, JA Interntment Unjust
Rafu Shimpo, 5/03/83, Redress Organizations
Hokubei, July 1983, Lutherans endorse payment to internees
Rafu Shimpo, 10/3/83, NCJAR
Rafu Shimpo, 10/04/83, Coram Nobis
Rafu Shimpo, 10/05/83, Wright bill
Rafu Shimpo, 10/6/83, Korematsu (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 11/29/83, Matsunaga
ACLU, Open Forum, 2/19/83, Photo of candelight procession |
1984 |
Rafu Shimpo, 2/09/84, Redress Update
Rafu Shimpo, 2/15/84, LA Council
Rafu Shimpo, 2/21/84, DOR
Rafu Shimpo, 6/11/84, Minority Caucuses |
1985 |
Rafu Shimpo, 2/26/85, DOR in Gardena (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 3/8/85, JAPSS Hair Salon |
1986 |
Los Angeles Times, , 2/11/86, Federal Judge
Los Angeles Times, 2/24/86, DOR article
NCRR Statement, Day of Remembrance 1986, (PDF) |
1987 |
Rafu Shimpo, 1/23/87, Bruyeres
Rafu Shimpo, 2/23/87, Day of Remembrance (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 4/28/87, NCRR Lobby
Rafu Shimpo, 7/27/87 Delegates (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 8/6/87, Grass Roots Lobbying (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 9/17/87, House Passes Reparations Bill |
1988 |
Pacific Citizen, 9/2/88, (PDF)
Los Angeles Times, August 1988, Reagan Rights Wrong
Rafu Shimpo 9/3/88, Bert Nakano Speech at DOR
Rafu Shimpo, 2/23/88, DOR (PDF) |
1989 |
Rafu Shimpo, 2/22/89, DOR (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 7/7/89, Little Tokyo Rally Protests (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo. 11/22/89, President Bush Signs Appropriations (PDF)
Outreach letter, NCRR Outreach letter (PDF) |
1990 |
Rafu Shimpo, 1/30/90, Life after Redress
Rafu Shimpo, 2/12/90. Little Tokyo Program Fetes Redress Victory
Rafu Shimpo, 10/2/90, NCRR, NAACP Japanese protest (PDF)
Los Angeles Times, 10/13/90 , Apology Payment (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 11/1/90, Anniversary conference (PDF) |
1991 |
1992 |
Los Angeles Japanese Daily News, 1/9/92, Nikkei Community Loses Loyal Friend (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 2/8/92, DOR Evening Program Musicans (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 2/18/92, Remembrance Racist Hysteria (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 2/18/92, Evening Program Sums up (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 1992, Former Redress Chief Bob Bratt Honored (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 2/20/92, Male Dilemma During Camps (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 2/20/92, Panel Explores Phychogical effects (PDF) |
1993 |
Rafu Shimpo, 2/22/93, DOR Community Event
Rafu Shimpo, 4/9/93, Denied Redress (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 9/15/93, NCRR Delegation (PDF) |
1994 |
Rafu Shimpo, 9/17/94, Judge Rules in Favors of Child
Rafu Shimpo, 9/20/94, Community Meeting (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 2/22/94, Speakers Blast Immigrant bashing (PDF) |
1995 |
Rafu Shimpo, 2/21/95, Common Thread Links (PDF)
City Times, 7/2/95, Reparations Battle Drags On (PDF) Rafu Shimpo, 2/3/95, Commenmoration to Link Racism (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 2/16/95, A Personal History, Linda Camacho, (PDF) |
1996 |
Rafu Shimpo, 2/27/96, Mineta Featured at LA DOR (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 2/10/96, Kochiyama's to be Feted (PDF) |
1997 |
Rafu Shimpo, 3/5/97, Keiko Kazuo Matsui to Perform at DOR
Rafu Shimpo, 3/14/97, NCRR to Recognize 3 Individuals (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 3/24/97, NCRR Honors 3 at DOR (PDF)
Pacific Citizen, 10/3/97, FBI role in Firing Miners (PDF) |
1998 |
Rafu Shimpo, 1/23/98, Seven Months Left for Redress (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 2/24/98, Michi Weglyn Honored (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 2/28/98, Workshops Focus On Those Denied Redres (PDF) |
1999 |
Rafu Shimpo, 2/24/99, Heart Mountain Draft Resisters to be Honored (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 4/27/99, Michi Weglyn was Noted Activist (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 5/3/99, Lobbying for Redress
Rafu Shimpo, 5/19/99, US Adds to Fund for Japanese Latin Americans (PDF)
Pacific Citizen, 11/05/99, Resisters Battle Just as Important |
2000 |
Rafu Shimpo, 11/14/00, Little Tokyo Rec Center (PDF) |
2001 |
Rafu Shimpo, 2/22/01, DOR Focuses on Unfinished Business (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 2/22/01, Nishio, Maki Honored at DOR (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 9/26/01, Candlelight Vigil |
2002 |
Rafu Shimpo, 2/9/02, Redress Activist to be Honored at 2002 DOR
Rafu Shimpo, 2/20/02, DOR Ceremony Links WWII Camps and 9/11 Tragedy |
2003 |
Pacific Citizen, 2/21/03, DOR Event (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 1/11/03, Monitors Observe INS Registration Deadline (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 2/13/03, Activist to be Honored
Los Angeles Times, 2/15/03, Art of Urgency (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 10/1/03, NCRR Leader Dies |
2004 |
Rafu Shimpo, 1/28/04, My Surreal Life Expeience
Rafu Shimpo, 2/5/04, DOR to Recognize Fighters |
2005 |
Rafu Shimpo, 2/23/05, Loyalty Redefined at DOR (PDF) |
2006 |
Rafu Shimpo, 1/31/06, DOR set for Feb18 (PDF)
Rafu Shimpo, 2/22/06, NCRR Calls for Justice at DOR |
2007 |
Rafu Shimpo, 2/26/07, Bill to Seek Commission ...
Rafu Shimpo, 2/21/07, DOR (PDF) |
2008 |
Shimpo, 2/20/2008, DOR Marks 3oth Anniversary |
Shimpo, 2/20/2008, Sharing Redress Stories |