1983 Press Releases |
Rafu Shimpo, 1/25/83, Redress Org. |
Candleight Procession, LATimes, 2/20/83 (photo) |
Los Angeles Times, 2/25/83, JA Intern Unjust |
Rafu Shimpo, 5/03/83, Redress Organizations |
Hokubei, July 1983, Lutherans endorse payment to internees |
Rafu Shimpo, 10/3/83, NCJAR
Rafu Shimpo, 10/04/83, Coram Nobis |
Rafu Shimpo, 10/05/83, Wright bill |
Rafu Shimpo, 10/6/83, Korematsu (PDF) |
Rafu Shimpo, 11/29/83, Matsunaga |
ACLU, Open Forum, 2/19/83, Photo of candelight procession |